Asda Boston has announced news of its first grant round of 2025 from Asda Foundation – it will be called Outdoor Community Spaces Fund.
Asda Foundation recognises the importance of having safe and accessible outdoor spaces in communities across the UK, so this year it will be providing up to £500,000 of grant funding to help grassroots groups improve or transform their local outdoor community spaces. Whether it’s cleaning up a green space, delivering collaborative growing projects or transforming an unused area for local people to use, the Outdoor Community Spaces Fund can be used to create or enhance an outdoor space near you.
This grant is for projects which meet at least one of the following aims:
- Transform an outdoor area, creating greener and more engaging community spaces.
- Create or enhance community growing projects.
- Enable community clean ups (grants for community clean ups only will be capped at £500).
As an independent charitable foundation funded by Asda, the Asda Foundation supports small, grassroots groups at the heart of communities. Their aim is to empower local groups with the funding they need, exactly where and when they need it. They are encouraging applications that increase access to outdoor spaces, bring communities together, make a lasting and demonstrable difference to an outdoor space, and enable groups to undertake a project that will truly enhance a local space.
The grant window opens at noon on Tuesday 14th January 2025 and applications will be applied for via the Asda Foundation website.
Grants of £500, £1,000, £1,500, £2,000, £2,500 or £3,000 can be applied for.
Groups must submit their application through the website’s grant management system by no later than Tuesday 11th February 2025. However, interest in Asda Foundation funding is always high and the grant round will close early if applications exceed the total funding allocated for this grant round.
To assist groups with the process, supporting documents will be available from the Asda Foundation website from noon on Thursday 9th January. Any interested not-for-profit groups will be able to access the full Outdoor Community Spaces Fund criteria, a ‘How To Apply’ guide and eligibility checker.
Stephen Bromby, community champion at Boston’s Asda store said: “We’re delighted to be able to offer this funding opportunity to small grassroots community groups in the area around our store. From materials to build and transform outdoor spaces, to permanent fixtures such as sheds and furniture, tools and equipment, plants and trees, through to litter picking equipment and hi-vis vests, there’s ample opportunity for us to help improve the local environment for everyone.
“I work closely with the Asda Foundation to understand the needs of people living and working locally, part of my role is to assist groups through the application process, making sure that the grant support makes the most impact in our local community.”
Interested groups should visit the Asda Foundation website to view the criteria and documents when they become available or contact Stephen directly via to request a copy of the documents and ask queries.