I am delighted to share with you the exciting year that I have had living and working in Boston. The Townscape Heritage Lottery Fund came to an end and a number of properties are now looking amazing; Crumbs in Dolphin Lane, three properties in the Market Place, Pump Square’s Launchbury’s shop and the next door Chapel, whilst The Blenkin Hall by the Stump was awarded a National Heritage Award, and I am sure there are more to come.
I calculate that nearly £100 million is coming in to Boston from economic growth and levelling up funding. It will change the aging face of Boston.
I am excited about the Gateway to Boston from the Station to the Stump, an area that Boston in Bloom has worked on for 8 years. I was delighted when we heard that the grandest house in town, Fydell House got a lottery grant, but all this comes with the hope that residents come into town. If we want nationwide shops here in Boston, we have to prove there are customers. The nationals look at the footfall. If they can’t count us, they won’t come A market visit once or twice a week would help.
We bid farewell to the Boston Big Local, a worthwhile organisation which did so much for small volunteer lead causes in the town thank you residents. And thanks too to our fellow groups, Bloom, Wombles, Green Volunteers and many more, making such a difference to their town.
Have I got one negative thought? Yes, the fact that Lincolnshire County Council’s highways department do not look after John Adams Way. It needs regular cleaning, in fact now it needs a deep clean. You don’t see these sort of weeds on the dual carriageway in Lincoln.
We are lucky to live in a Heritage town, we have to learn to appreciate it. It has the same problems as most other towns in England, but with your help we will beat them.