Marianne's Election Promises
- A better health system for all
- Safer streets for our families
- Enhanced education opportunities
- A thriving local economy
- Improved roads and transport networks
- Timely delivery of vital infrastructure projects
- Meaningful investments in our communities
Marianne brings a wealth of experience to this pivotal role, having served as both a sitting councillor for county and district, and as a national leader for the Local Government Association. Her impressive track record is a testament to her dedication, and we firmly believe she is the ideal candidate to drive positive change within our community.
The big issues we face – cost of living, the threat to democracy, and the importance of listening to local voices, demand a leader who can bridge divides and unite us all. It’s time to take party politics out of the equation and focus on what truly matters – our communities. With Marianne as an Independent Mayor, we have a unique opportunity to prioritise local needs over party agendas.